Empowering Beauty and Confidence.
MurniCare Beauty helps your find your ultimate confidence through a range of professional treatments, safely delivered by the expert.
What do we provide?
Your Solutions to Optimal Beauty.
Redefine your concept of flawless beauty through professional care that consistently delivers transformation in every session.
Facial Treatment
Revitalize your skin's natural beauty with our rejuvenating facial treatment.
HIFU Treatment
Achieve a youthful, rejuvenated appearance without surgery or downtime with HIFU.
IPL Hair Removal
Say goodbye to unwanted pigmentation, sunspots, and hair with professional IPL Treatment.
Why MurniCare Beauty?
Your Beauty is Our Priority.
We are dedicated professionals committed to providing you with an extraordinary experience in every visit to our clinic.
It’s Your Time to Glow.
Unlock the secrets to timeless beauty and explore our services at MurniCare Beauty’s official page!
Certified & Experienced Practitioners
Quality Beauty Treatment with Advanced Tech
Natural and Long-Lasting Results
Committed to Strict Health & Safety Protocols
Benefits of Teleconsultation
Redefine your concept of flawless beauty through professional care that consistently delivers transformation in every session.
Assisted by qualified and professional doctors and medical practitioners
Secure and safe guaranteed
Ultimate Convenience
Contact us now!
Your Journey to Optimal Wellness Starts Here.
Hotline: 1500 813
Email: info@murnicare.com
Phone: 08119915569
Visit us to receive expert care at
MurniCare Skin Clinic
Rukan Taman Meruya Ilir
Blok M No. 41-43A
Meruya Utara, Kembangan
Jakarta Barat – 11620