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Automatic Body Temperature Measurement Device


Automatic Body Temperature Measurement Device

A self-service device to measure body temperature as the first guard for epidemic control and prevention around your premises.

This self-service health check device eliminates the need for standby staff at the entrances of your premises.

Automatic Hand Sanitiser

SMARTGUARDTM Automatic Hand Sanitiser with Digital Signage

Our hands are arguably the dirtiest part of our bodies. They constantly come into contact with potentially contaminated surfaces that are touched by countless other people: think doorhandles, elevator buttons, staircase railings, and even other people. This is why various types of germs, bacteria and viruses, such as the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) are most easily spread through the hands.

Effectively support sanitation throughout your premises with an automatic hand sanitiser, which can be implemented in a variety of public spaces such as offices, public transportation hubs, restaurants, hospitals, recreational areas, zoos, etc.

JCL Nourish Hand Spray

Hand Sanitiser dengan Kandungan Alkohol 70% dan Kelembaban Ekstra

JCL nourish hand spray merupakan hand sanitiser yang telah lulus uji sertifikasi BPOM Indonesia dengan kandungan 70% alkohol dan pelembab ekstra yang aman untuk kulit sensitif.

Tersedia dalam berbagai ukuran, dari kemasan botol kecil hingga jerigen, hand sanitiser JCL mengakomodasi berbagai kebutuhan, untuk keperluan pribadi maupun di tempat umum, seperti kantor, rumah sakit, dan lainnya.